With spotted wing drosophila (SWD) pressure rapidly becoming a constant threat in blueberry production, blueberry growers are facing new challenges in keeping spray costs down, while protecting their high-value crop. Some have found the solution in the OnTarget spraying system. The system’s Wraparound Technology™ provides unprecedented coverage and protection from SWD, and improves the performance of your fungicide and foliar nutrient applications, as well.
With sustainable, smart engineering, OnTarget offers far-reaching efficiencies, leaving consuming every ounce of water and product. Using 50 to 80 percent less water, 50 percent less horsepower and diesel, and 50 percent fewer spray hours, OnTarget’s blueberry sprayers covers up to 4 times more acreage per day compared to the leading air-blast sprayer. This results in the need for fewer sprayers and operators. With an OnTarget sprayer, you get complete uniform coverage with just 15 gallons of water per acre, enabling you to treat 2 to 3 times more acres each day, while improving the performance of your crop inputs.
OnTarget’s electrostatic technology allows farmers to control the spray cloud; blanketing the targeted crop with the perfect application. Mounted into unique spray zones, and composed of 8-24 manifolds, OnTarget’s blueberry sprayers covers crops from the top-down, or bottom-up.
Direct OnTarget’s versatile blueberry sprayers from inside the comfort of the cab. Adjust the boom distance and rotate the electrostatic spray manifolds to customize the spray angle for accuracy. Customizable for every indoor and outdoor grow, control remains in the hands of the grower with personalized, in-person set-up and education from OnTarget experts.
These sprayers are designed to use 50% to 80% less water, so you spend more time spraying and less time filling the tank. On Target sprayers require 50% less horsepower than conventional air blast sprayers, which adds up to substantial fuel savings.
OnTarget’s electrostatic spray manifolds were designed to be reliable and flexible. Position the spray tube to the ideal height, angle or location of your crop. The heavy duty polymer tube protects the internal manifold from sun, chemicals, water and physical abuse.
Our electrostatic manifolds have endured the rigors of Agriculture for more than a decade and proven most reliable. Putting the spray on the plant and keeping it there makes this the most efficient and environmental sprayer on the market.
Te Slaa said he has seen a significant improvement in the farm’s spotted wing drosophila spray program since switching from an air blast sprayer to the On Target electrostatic system. “And our plant diseases have not been an issue since switching to this technology,” Te Slaa said.
- Jesse Te Slaa, Casale Farm
I’m using less water and less pesticide, so I am putting less into the environment. And the coverage efficacy is a lot better with the On Target electrostatic charge than with conventional sprayers. There is no question in my mind that I am getting complete coverage when I am using the On Target sprayer. I’ve actually tested it with water-sensitive paper to prove to myself that it has that kind of penetrating power. And it does. It goes in 100 percent.
- Ben Dhiman, B&B Dhiman Blueberry Farm
With the electrostatic, on a long day, we can get 130 to 140 acres done with our four-row electrostatic sprayer. With an air-blast sprayer, 30 acres is all we could get done. We use lower rates of the chemicals too, so we’re putting less chemical into the environment, because they are being used more accurately. It is just more efficient, all the way around.
- T.J. Hafner, Agronomist at Agricare
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