Less water
1 %

Our electrostatic sprayers help you achieve water savings as high as 80%.

Less labor
1 %
You’ll cover 2 – 3 times more acres per day than with a conventional sprayer.
Less fuel
1 %
Our sprayers help consume 2 to 3 gallons less diesel per hour.

Organizations that trust OnTarget Technology

What our customers say

Felix Egerer
Felix EgererTantalus Vineyards
On Target a ‘Win on All Fronts’ for Tantalus Vineyards In 2016, after surviving a particularly bad year of powdery mildew at Tantalus Vineyards in Kelowna, British Columbia, management sat down and assessed …
Sergio Castelo
Sergio CasteloGrupo Castelo
Better Size, Color & Consistency in Table Grapes with On Target For years, Sergio Castelo used hand labor to apply growth regulators to his table grapes. ...
Jesse Te Slaa
Jesse Te SlaaCasale Farm
When it comes to controlling spotted wing drosophila in blueberries, application timing is crucial. And when it comes to timely spraying, according to Jesse Te Slaa of Casale Farm, nothing beats the flexibility and efficiency offered by On Target Spray Systems. Te Slaa said he has seen…
Eric Sussman
Eric SussmanRadio-Coteau Winery
OnTarget is a Good Fit for Organic Viticulturist! Based on prior observation, Eric Sussman of Radio-Coteau Winery in Sebastopol, California, thought the On Target Spray Systems technology would be a good fit for his organic operation. His assessment, it turns out, was correct. ...
Ben Dihman
Ben DihmanB&B Dhiman Blueberry Farm
Farming Environmentally with On Target For Ben Dhiman of B&B Dhiman Blueberry Farm, using less pesticide, less water and less fuel equates to more than just saving money. It helps him farm in an environmentally conscious manner. With an…

Wrap Around Technology™


Technologically advanced OnTarget electrostatic farm spray equipment deliver highly charged droplets that are attracted to negatively grounded plant surfaces. This means our sprayers evenly coat the tops and undersides of plant material with crop protection products while minimizing chances of runoff. We call it Wrap Around Technology™. Learn more about the OnTarget difference today!

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